An API to remove carbon dioxide.

Reach your net-zero goals by integrating CO₂ removal directly into your business.
$ echo "Lets remove 100kg of CO₂ with trees and bio-oil"
$ http POST \
'Authorization:Api-Key {{ your_api_key }}' \
currency=usd \
weight_unit=kg \
{"method_type": "forestation", "cdr_amount": 50},
{"method_type": "bio-oil", "cdr_amount": 50}


Some background to CO₂ removal

What is CDR, why do we need it, and how can you easily make it an integral part of your business?

What is CDR?

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR), CO₂ removal or carbon removal refers to the human-driven extraction of the greenhouse gas CO₂ from the atmosphere combined with its permanent storage. The goal of carbon removal procedures is to decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and to mitigate or even reverse man-made global warming.

Why do we need CDR?

With their latest report, the IPCC has noted that reductions alone are unlikely to be enough to limit a global temperature increase to 1.5ºC. Instead we, as a global population, will need to invest into carbon dioxide removals to capture and store CO₂ from the atmosphere.

More and more people are recognizing that CDR is a crucial part of reaching the goal of net-zero emissions.

Across the world governments and businesses are setting themselves net-zero targets. These involve both reducing emissions but also removing any unavoidable emissions (hence the term "net zero emissions").

How is your CO₂ removed?

When submitting a request to purchase carbon removal, you have the option of choosing from a variety of removal methods to create a fully customized portfolio. Each method is delivered by at least one carefully selected removal partner who has been vetted to ensure the delivery of long-term CO₂ storage.

Why integrate CDR into your business?

Apart from the moral responsibility to try to do our part to fix the climate, offering a sustainable option to your customers can also act as a differentiator to your competitors with some positive marketing benefits.

Reaching net-zero doesn't have to involve a lot of effort or high costs. Instead we want to make it as easy and affordable as possible to make 'little-but-often' contributions to fight the climate crisis and achieve your net-zero goals.

If you need some inspiration why not check out our example use cases below.

Isn't this just carbon credits?

No. Net-zero targets cannot be met with carbon credits as credits do not remove any emitted CO₂. Instead they reduce emissions elsewhere - some examples include solar cooking for refugees; avoiding deforestation; or healthy homes.

Purchasing carbon credits will support vulnerable communities and help them reduce their emissions. However, your emissions will still be in the atmosphere until they are removed.

Carbon removal takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and captures it in long-term storage with the goal of lowering the global CO₂ level back to natural ranges (for context, we're over 30% higher than natural expectations).

CDR is not a substitute for avoiding emissions!

Carbon removal is not a substitute for avoiding emissions in the first place. However we need time to reach a zero-emissions future so we must accelerate the adoption of CDR while simultaneously drastically reducing emissions.

Some example use cases

Nobody knows your business better than you but we have included a few potential use cases to inspire you on your journey to net-zero.

Footprint calculator or environmental consultancies

After your customers have calculated their carbon footprint using your tool or service, you could integrate carbon removal as an easy next-step to meet their net-zero targets.

E-commerce, marketplaces & transactions

Do you ship products? Your customers may be interested in having the option to remove the footprint of their product or even just the shipping.

In fact any type of transaction can help support CDR:

  • You could round up a payment transaction to the nearest $ and put that money towards removing carbon;
  • 1% of your monthly spend could be automatically deducted and put towards becoming net-zero;
  • Even just committing to purchase 1g for every $1 spent or 1kg per transaction can make a difference.

Corporate finances

The accounting department is often the single source of truth in a business. Why not connect with them to remove the emissions of all corporate travel & events or the footprint of their employees?

Got some more ideas?

If you have another idea about how or where CDR could be integrated we'd love to add it to this page. You can open an issue or submit a PR to change these docs or contact us directly at: [email protected].

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